Friday, March 7, 2014

~MASC 2014~

Things end.
But memories last FOREVER.
4 days 3 nights MASC will not just stop there.
Once MASC-ians, Forever MASC-ians.
Let's ride our time machine and back to MASC 2014!!!

First day registration
Field visiting 1
Field visiting 2

Adventure game 1

Adventure game 2
Sharing session 1
Sharing session 2
Sharing session 3
Charity programme 1

Charity programme 2
Charity programme 3
Charity programme 4
Convention dinner 1
Convention dinner 2
Convention dinner 3
War game 1
War game 2
Congratulations MASC-ians!!! All the best in your future!!!

You will never know how high you can fly unless you spread your wings.