Friday, January 17, 2014

Rules and Regulation

Rules and Regulations of MASC 2014

1. Participants have to fully attend MASC 2014 which lasts for 4 days 3 nights.
2. Participants are requested to cooperate with the MASC committee.
3. Participants are required to be punctual for every activity.
4. Participants are required to be disciplined and behave in an appropriate manner.
5. Participants are required to wear appropriate attire.
6. Safety first.

7. It is compulsory to stay in the accommodation provided.
8. Participants are not encouraged to bring own transport as transportation will be arranged by MASC 2014 committee. If participants do bring own transportation, it will be at your own risk, as MASC will not be held responsible for any damage.
9. Participants are requested to take part in every activity carried out during MASC unless for special  reasons.
10. MASC will not be held responsible for any loss of personal belongings.
11. Do speak in English throughout the event.
12. Participants are not allowed to leave University of Malaya during MASC 2014 without permission.

13. Should any emergencies arise and you have to leave University of Malaya, please inform MASC 2014  Publicity team (Natelie Saw 012-5205938) (Lee Jian Jie 012-5612182).
14. The decisions of MASC 2014 committee are final.
15. Lastly, participate actively and have FUN!

We, the MASC 2014 committees, highly appreciate your cooperation to make this event a success. Thank you.

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