Thursday, November 21, 2013

Highlighted Programmes in MASC 2014

1. Finance Game

- Participants will have the chance to learn the essential financial knowledge like how to manipulate the external opportunities and internal strengths to manage funds. MASC-ians will be able to gain experiences that can be applied in the real world of finance through this mentally challenging game. Besides that, participants will be able to boost their social skills as this game requires discussion and teamwork. Also, you guys will be having a lot of fun! That’s like killing two birds with one stone. 

Money, finance, wealth,investing, SUCCESS~~
2.  Field Visiting
- The MASC team is on a mission to make MASC 2014 the most different accounting convention yet. This year, we are implementing field visiting in our programme flow for the very first time! Why field visiting , though? Well, we would like to give participants a brief outlook to the working world. Participants will be able to visit offices or companies of their probable future employers. 

BDO - one of the company that will be visited by participants
3. Adventure
- “Adventure” is a brand new game that has been given a lot of thought by the MASC Programme Department. They have thought of various concepts to make ordinary station games look extraordinary. Sick of staying indoors? Well, in ‘adventure’, participants will be able to move those muscles, and get some fresh air to complete the mind-boggling tasks given. 

Unpredictable task!!!! Do you DARE to CHALLENGE it???
4. Charity Programme
- Being accounting students, we’re sure that you guys have heard of the term ‘corporate social responsibility’. MASC 2014 will be completing our fair share of CSR as well. Through this event, participants will be able to interact, motivate and play with underprivileged children.
  “It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” 
Mother Teresa

The fruit of faith is LOVE, and the fruit of love is SERVICE
5. War Game
MASC is a platform for accounting students in Malaysia to get to know each other and to widen their circle of friends. In “ War Game”, you guys will be able to meet and interact with new people. Through this game, we can guarantee that the number of contacts in your phone will be increasing, and the number of friends on your Facebook list will go up as well!

Get ready with your "Grenade"?? Come join in the "WAR" and know your PARTNERS!!!
6. Convention Dinner
It is said that ‘convention dinner’ is the celebration of the end of MASC. Participants are required to dress according to the special theme provided. So girls, get your best dresses out. Guys, get that hair gel and hair spray ready. The MASC convention dinner is the chance for you guys to look like a million dollars so, dress to impress!

Gel your hair and then tie...Smile~~~ Wow... what a handsome look... Beautiful girls, take your time to prepare well for the convention dinner too ya...

7. Debate
Are you an articulate person? Do you have a knack for debating? 
Here is a chance for you to perform yourself. This year, MASC is going to held a whole new programme - DEBATE COMPETITION with the title 'JOB SECURITY vs SALARIES'. 
The FIRST 6 UNIVERSITIES registered will be eligible to send 1 representative from each university.
As the future leaders of the country, show your courage to fight for the chance for us to hear your thoughts. 

"It's not about what you say, it's about how you say it. It's not about what comes out of your mouth, it's about the reason behind your word."

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