Thursday, November 21, 2013

Plenary Session and Workshop

Plenary Sessions

  • The Language of Human Relations
       Good interpersonal skills are no longer a luxury but a necessity in today's working life. One is more likely to carve a niche in their chosen career if he or she possesses such excellent quality. Through this plenary session, delegates will be able to equip themselves with a guide on speaking etiquette to make the most of any opportunities.

  • The Spangled Accounting Field
      'What career can I embark on in the future' is one of the questions that always lingers in participants' mind. Through this plenary session, delegates will learn how to research options, realizing their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as acquiring new skills and ultimately pick the career that's right for them.


  • Beating the Blues
Are you stressed? Depressed? Well, there is a point in everyone's life when things get you down. Expert feels if we don’t do enough to combat the blues, and that can lead to trouble. Instead of letting stress take charge of your life, take action as soon as possible and master the ways of keeping the blues away.
  • Be an Ace of the Game of Wealth
To be a millionaire is almost everyone's dream since young. In order to achieve this dream, besides working hard, one needs to be wise in his or her financial planning. This workshop will equip you with all the necessary investment and financial planning skills which will assist you in achieving your goals.

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